Software of the Month Club (Business) 1997 July
Software of the Month Club - Business (Volume 239) (July 1997).iso
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[#carLookLeft: [#RefName: #carLookLeft, #spriteNum: 67, #HotRect: [rect(0, 0, 0, 0)], #hotRect2: [rect(0, 62, 81, 281)], #zone: 80, #scale: 3, #action: [#down: "doLookLeft"], #cursor: [4562, 4563], #DisplayState: #false, #type: #HotRect], #carLookRight: [#RefName: #carLookRight, #spriteNum: 68, #HotRect: [rect(0, 0, 0, 0)], #hotRect2: [rect(449, 62, 560, 281)], #zone: 80, #scale: 3, #action: [#down: "doLookRight"], #cursor: [4554, 4555], #DisplayState: #false, #type: #HotRect], #openCarMap: [#RefName: #openCarMap, #spriteNum: 14, #HotRect: [rect(143, 248, 244, 309)], #loc: point(193, 278), #cast: [#UP: 132, #down: 131, #LoadCast: [131, 132]], #action: [#down: #ButtonDNCOND, #UP: "DoopenCarMap"], #sound: [#down: "Click.aif"], #cursor: [4535, 4536], #DisplayState: #UP, #Parent: #CarDash, #ParentState: #on, #type: #bitmap, #ButtonClass: #ButtonDNCOND], #carIgni: [#RefName: #carIgni, #spriteNum: 12, #HotRect: [rect(82, 258, 126, 295)], #loc: point(104, 276), #cast: [#UP: 128, #down: 127, #LoadCast: [127, 128]], #action: [#down: #ButtonDNCOND, #UP: "DocarIgni"], #sound: [#down: "Click.aif", #HaveGAS: "E04start.aif", #NOGAS: "E06Fail.aif"], #cursor: [4535, 4536], #DisplayState: #UP, #Parent: #CarDash, #ParentState: #off, #type: #bitmap, #ButtonClass: #ButtonDNCOND], #carEmerPar: [#RefName: #carEmerPar, #spriteNum: 51, #Children: [#carEmerHotRect], #State: #stranded, #Dynamic: [], #DisplayState: #false, #type: #Parent], #carEmerHotRect: [#RefName: #carEmerHotRect, #spriteNum: 62, #HotRect: [rect(258, 201, 308, 242)], #hotRect2: [rect(258, 201, 308, 242)], #action: [#down: "DocarEmer"], #sound: [#UP: "Click.aif"], #cursor: [4535, 4536], #Parent: #carEmerPar, #ParentState: #stranded, #DisplayState: #false, #type: #HotRect], #carEmer: [#RefName: #carEmer, #spriteNum: 13, #loc: point(283, 221), #cast: [#frameDataStart: 130, #frameData: [130, 129], #LoadCast: [129, 130]], #AnimProps: [#pathData: #NULL, #frameRate: 2, #ink: #COPY, #iterations: #INFINITE, #loopAction: #repeat, #completionAction: #pause], #timerRef: 0, #type: #Animator], #CarGasGauge: [#RefName: #CarGasGauge, #spriteNum: 19, #loc: point(283, 277), #runoutCount: 1, #cast: [#State1: 175, #State2: 176, #State3: 177, #State4: 178, #State5: 179, #State6: 180, #LoadCast: [175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180]], #action: [#UP: "DoGasGauge", #down: #MultiStateCOND], #DisplayState: #State1, #AllStates: [#State1, #State2, #State3, #State4, #State5, #State6], #State: #State1, #fuelLevel: 0, #towLength: 2, #Parent: #CarDash, #ParentState: #on, #Dynamic: [], #type: #bitmap, #ButtonClass: #MultiStateCOND], #goToG22: [#RefName: #goToG22, #spriteNum: 63, #HotRect: [rect(0, 0, 0, 0)], #hotRect2: [rect(12, 41, 95, 106)], #action: [#down: "doGoToG22"], #cursor: [4535, 4536], #DisplayState: #false, #type: #HotRect], #goToF01: [#RefName: #goToF01, #spriteNum: 64, #HotRect: [rect(0, 0, 0, 0)], #hotRect2: [rect(166, 11, 204, 57)], #action: [#down: "doGoToF01"], #cursor: [4535, 4536], #Parent: #CarDash, #ParentState: #on, #DisplayState: #false, #type: #HotRect], #goToH01: [#RefName: #goToH01, #spriteNum: 65, #HotRect: [rect(0, 0, 0, 0)], #hotRect2: [rect(404, 5, 467, 70)], #action: [#down: "doGoToH01"], #cursor: [4535, 4536], #DisplayState: #false, #type: #HotRect], #lookAtPelletDispenser: [#RefName: #lookAtPelletDispenser, #spriteNum: 66, #HotRect: [rect(0, 0, 0, 0)], #hotRect2: [rect(449, 62, 560, 281)], #action: [#down: "doLookAtPelletDispenser"], #cursor: [4554, 4555], #DisplayState: #false, #type: #HotRect], #CarRadio: [#RefName: #CarRadio, #spriteNum: 10, #loc: point(348, 267), #stationLocs: [point(348, 267), point(368, 267), point(388, 267), point(408, 267), point(428, 267)], #station: 1, #cast: [#init: 140, #LoadCast: [140]], #Children: [#CarRadOn, #CarRadTuneLft, #CarRadTuneRt], #State: #off, #Dynamic: [], #DisplayState: #init, #Parent: #CarDash, #ParentState: #on, #type: #Parent], #CarRadTuneRt: [#RefName: #CarRadTuneRt, #spriteNum: 18, #HotRect: [rect(349, 288, 368, 307)], #loc: point(358, 297), #cast: [#UP: 138, #down: 139, #LoadCast: [138, 139]], #action: [#down: #ButtonDNCOND, #UP: "DoCarRadTuneRt"], #sound: [#down: "Click.aif"], #cursor: [4535, 4536], #DisplayState: #UP, #Parent: #CarRadio, #ParentState: #on, #type: #bitmap, #ButtonClass: #ButtonDNCOND], #CarRadTuneLft: [#RefName: #CarRadTuneLft, #spriteNum: 17, #HotRect: [rect(329, 288, 348, 307)], #loc: point(338, 297), #cast: [#UP: 136, #down: 137, #LoadCast: [136, 137]], #action: [#down: #ButtonDNCOND, #UP: "DoCarRadTuneLft"], #sound: [#down: "Click.aif"], #cursor: [4535, 4536], #DisplayState: #UP, #Parent: #CarRadio, #ParentState: #on, #type: #bitmap, #ButtonClass: #ButtonDNCOND], #CarRadOn: [#RefName: #CarRadOn, #spriteNum: 16, #HotRect: [rect(410, 289, 452, 306)], #loc: point(431, 297), #cast: [#init: 134, #open: [133], #close: [135], #LoadCast: [133, 134, 135]], #action: [#down: #OpenClose, #UP: "DoCarRadOn"], #sound: [#open: "Click.aif", #close: "Click.aif"], #cursor: [4535, 4536], #DisplayState: #init, #State: #close, #Parent: #CarRadio, #type: #bitmap, #ButtonClass: #OpenClose], #carMap: [#RefName: #carMap, #spriteNum: 53, #Children: [#smallRect, #mapRect, #MapCarGasGauge, #transCarDashView, #carDashPict, #carMapBg, #carMapURHere, #carMapSeg1, #carMapSeg2, #carMapSeg3, #carMapGasStn1, #carMapGasStn2, #carMapGasStn3, #carMapGasStn4, #carMapGasStn5, #carMapGasStn6, #carMapGasStn7, #carMapGasStn8, #carMapGasStn9, #carMapGasStn10, #carMapGasStn11, #carMapGasStn12, #carMapGasStn13, #carMapGasStn14, #carMapGasStn15, #carMapPanLft, #carMapPanRt, #carMapZoomIn, #carMapZoomOut, #scaleDesc, #distanceIndicator], #map1H: 176, #startcast: 28, #gasWithinRnge: [#level1: [5, 10], #level2: [5, 10, 20], #level3: [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95]], #curZone: 50, #gasClick: 0, #curScale: 1, #lftLimit: -32, #rtLimit: 592, #offset: 208, #strtCast: 28, #endCast: 30, #scrollStepSize: 16, #mapsV: 156, #mapRect: rect(72, 21, 488, 292), #leftEdge: 72, #State: #on, #stationsVisited: [], #levelStrtCast: [#level1: 28, #level2: 31, #level3: 46], #levelEndCast: [#level1: 30, #level2: 40, #level3: 95], #levelHotRects: [1: [14, 15], 2: [6, 7, 13], 3: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]], #levelVLocs: [#level1: [90, 83, 87, 80, 80, 74, 70, 61, 39, 61, 58, 57, 57, 46, 42, 37], #level2: [127, 111, 102, 97, 96, 113, 120, 118, 105, 93, 88, 98, 71, 80, 77, 77, 89, 58, 54, 55, 55, 62, 70, 61, 63, 66, 59, 51, 56, 66, 68, 71, 84, 92, 87, 83, 88, 95, 96, 99, 105, 110, 112, 102, 95, 104, 101, 102, 114, 120, 104, 98, 91, 108, 113, 119, 109, 110, 108, 102, 89, 86, 82, 66, 78, 86, 105, 101, 92, 94, 98, 93, 103, 106, 115, 117], #level3: [97, 91, 102, 95, 102, 92, 90, 89, 73, 90, 90, 88, 86, 92, 91, 86, 89, 80, 73, 85, 80, 77, 69, 63, 63, 71, 74, 50, 51, 54, 58, 67, 70, 81, 81, 84, 85, 65, 85, 95, 98, 105, 104, 112, 109, 113, 116, 115, 116, 118, 136, 137, 142, 143, 150, 154, 163, 152, 158, 174, 171, 175, 180, 183, 178, 176, 176, 185, 176, 177, 170, 169, 180, 177, 167, 173, 184, 181, 177, 185, 179, 180, 179, 183, 176, 179, 176, 174, 167, 169, 169, 178, 182, 182, 183, 169, 167, 163, 163, 164, 154, 149, 160, 159, 144, 143, 154, 165, 145, 146, 144, 145, 141, 148, 150, 130, 134, 131, 133, 133, 133, 137, 141, 153, 147, 148, 156, 174, 172, 176, 182, 186, 191, 198, 189, 196, 186, 178, 171, 168, 163, 171, 162, 162, 164, 161, 157, 145, 143, 150, 143, 126, 124, 116, 121, 134, 119, 110, 115, 105, 101, 100, 88, 89, 80, 86, 86, 85, 87, 87, 84, 88, 65, 71, 77, 75, 74, 73, 72, 50, 64, 71, 61, 67, 73, 68, 65, 66, 70, 62, 67, 66, 57, 54, 59, 56, 71, 77, 68, 70, 83, 86, 82, 85, 79, 91, 93, 92, 92, 98, 106, 109, 120, 117, 123, 121, 122, 124, 118, 128, 128, 114, 135, 145, 141, 146, 142, 149, 147, 147, 120, 129, 136, 121, 123, 118, 116, 116, 120, 111, 109, 149, 176, 172, 161, 161, 157, 155, 160, 173, 148, 153, 148, 135, 152, 149, 141, 137, 154, 152, 140, 152, 163, 174, 177, 180, 184, 195, 194, 196, 195, 192, 182, 173, 166, 173, 167, 162, 160, 158, 160, 157, 156, 147, 142, 142, 134, 123, 121, 123, 132, 130, 115, 111, 107, 103, 106, 87, 89, 79, 89, 79, 84, 81, 87, 86, 84, 82, 62, 77, 75, 76, 71, 74, 58, 63, 67, 73, 69, 66, 71, 65, 66, 66, 69, 68, 67, 60, 61, 58, 57, 63, 70, 77, 74, 82, 83, 85, 82, 83, 84, 97, 97, 88, 94, 103, 111, 108, 122, 118, 129, 114, 123, 123, 125, 125, 120, 119, 137, 142, 145, 139, 142, 145, 146, 130, 125, 132, 138, 127, 125, 117, 113, 126, 122, 107]], #levelHLocs: [#level1: [2, 30, 58, 85, 113, 141, 168, 196, 224, 252, 278, 306, 335, 363, 390, 410], #level2: [2, 29, 56, 84, 112, 139, 167, 195, 222, 251, 277, 305, 334, 362, 389, 416, 445, 473, 500, 528, 555, 583, 611, 638, 667, 693, 721, 750, 778, 805, 832, 861, 889, 916, 944, 972, 999, 1027, 1054, 1083, 1109, 1137, 1166, 1194, 1221, 1248, 1277, 1305, 1332, 1360, 1388, 1415, 1443, 1471, 1499, 1525, 1553, 1582, 1610, 1637, 1664, 1693, 1721, 1748, 1776, 1804, 1831, 1859, 1887, 1915, 1941, 1969, 1998, 2026, 2053, 2061], #level3: [2, 27, 55, 82, 110, 138, 165, 193, 221, 249, 276, 303, 332, 360, 387, 415, 443, 471, 498, 526, 554, 581, 609, 637, 665, 692, 719, 748, 776, 803, 831, 859, 887, 914, 942, 970, 997, 1025, 1053, 1081, 1108, 1135, 1164, 1192, 1219, 1247, 1275, 1303, 1330, 1358, 1386, 1413, 1441, 1469, 1497, 1524, 1551, 1580, 1608, 1635, 1663, 1691, 1719, 1747, 1774, 1802, 1830, 1857, 1885, 1913, 1940, 1967, 1996, 2024, 2051, 2079, 2107, 2135, 2163, 2190, 2218, 2246, 2273, 2301, 2329, 2356, 2383, 2412, 2440, 2467, 2495, 2523, 2551, 2579, 2606, 2634, 2662, 2689, 2717, 2745, 2772, 2800, 2828, 2856, 2883, 2911, 2939, 2967, 2995, 3022, 3050, 3078, 3105, 3133, 3161, 3188, 3216, 3244, 3272, 3299, 3327, 3355, 3383, 3411, 3438, 3466, 3494, 3521, 3549, 3577, 3604, 3632, 3660, 3688, 3715, 3743, 3772, 3799, 3827, 3855, 3882, 3910, 3937, 3965, 3993, 4020, 4048, 4076, 4104, 4131, 4159, 4188, 4215, 4243, 4271, 4298, 4326, 4354, 4381, 4409, 4436, 4464, 4492, 4520, 4547, 4575, 4604, 4631, 4659, 4687, 4714, 4742, 4770, 4797, 4825, 4852, 4880, 4908, 4937, 4963, 4991, 5020, 5047, 5075, 5103, 5130, 5158, 5186, 5213, 5241, 5268, 5296, 5324, 5353, 5379, 5407, 5436, 5463, 5491, 5519, 5546, 5574, 5602, 5629, 5658, 5684, 5712, 5741, 5769, 5795, 5823, 5852, 5879, 5907, 5935, 5962, 5990, 6018, 6045, 6074, 6101, 6128, 6157, 6185, 6212, 6239, 6268, 6296, 6323, 6351, 6379, 6406, 6434, 6462, 6490, 6516, 6544, 6573, 6601, 6628, 6657, 6684, 6712, 6739, 6767, 6795, 6822, 6850, 6878, 6906, 6932, 6960, 6989, 7017, 7044, 7071, 7100, 7128, 7155, 7183, 7211, 7238, 7266, 7294, 7322, 7348, 7376, 7405, 7433, 7460, 7487, 7516, 7544, 7571, 7599, 7627, 7654, 7682, 7710, 7738, 7764, 7792, 7821, 7849, 7876, 7903, 7932, 7960, 7987, 8015, 8043, 8070, 8098, 8126, 8154, 8180, 8208, 8237, 8265, 8292, 8319, 8348, 8376, 8403, 8431, 8459, 8486, 8514, 8542, 8570, 8596, 8624, 8653, 8681, 8708, 8735, 8764, 8792, 8819, 8847, 8875, 8902, 8930, 8958, 8986, 9012, 9040, 9069, 9097, 9124, 9151, 9180, 9208, 9235, 9263, 9291, 9318, 9346, 9374, 9402, 9428, 9456, 9485, 9513, 9540, 9567, 9596, 9624, 9651, 9679, 9707, 9734, 9762, 9790, 9818, 9844, 9872, 9901, 9929, 9956, 9983, 10012, 10040, 10067, 10095, 10123, 10150, 10178, 10206, 10234, 10260, 10288, 10317, 10345, 10372, 10382]], #DisplayState: #false, #type: #Parent], #MapCarGasGauge: [#RefName: #MapCarGasGauge, #spriteNum: 23, #loc: point(-9999, 277), #cast: [#State1: 175, #State2: 176, #State3: 177, #State4: 178, #State5: 179, #State6: 180, #LoadCast: [175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180]], #DisplayState: #State6, #AllStates: [#State1, #State2, #State3, #State4, #State5, #State6], #State: #State6, #fuelLevel: 0, #movieTimePerZone: 0, #Parent: #carMap, #ParentState: #on, #Dynamic: [], #type: #bitmap, #ButtonClass: #MultiStateCOND], #transCarDashView: [#RefName: #transCarDashView, #spriteNum: 21, #loc: point(-9999, 92), #SpriteProp: [#ink: 0], #cast: [#UP: 205, #LoadCast: [205]], #Parent: #carMap, #ParentState: #on, #type: #bitmap, #DisplayState: #UP, #ButtonClass: #graphicChild], #smallRect: [#RefName: #smallRect, #spriteNum: 2, #loc: point(274, 153), #cast: [#UP: 17, #LoadCast: [17]], #Parent: #carMap, #ParentState: #on, #type: #shape, #DisplayState: #UP, #ButtonClass: #graphicChild], #mapRect: [#RefName: #mapRect, #spriteNum: 3, #loc: point(70, 19), #cast: [#UP: 18, #LoadCast: [18]], #Parent: #carMap, #ParentState: #on, #type: #shape, #DisplayState: #UP, #ButtonClass: #graphicChild], #carDashPict: [#RefName: #carDashPict, #spriteNum: 20, #loc: point(-9999, 168), #SpriteProp: [#ink: 0], #cast: [#UP: 192, #LoadCast: [192]], #Parent: #carMap, #ParentState: #on, #type: #bitmap, #DisplayState: #UP, #ButtonClass: #graphicChild], #carMapBg: [#RefName: #carMapBg, #spriteNum: 8, #loc: point(280, 168), #cast: [#UP: 23, #LoadCast: [23]], #Parent: #carMap, #ParentState: #on, #type: #bitmap, #DisplayState: #UP, #ButtonClass: #graphicChild], #carMapURHere: [#RefName: #carMapURHere, #spriteNum: 7, #loc: point(72, 90), #cast: [#UP: 26, #LoadCast: [26]], #Parent: #carMap, #ParentState: #on, #type: #bitmap, #DisplayState: #UP, #ButtonClass: #graphicChild], #carMapSeg1: [#RefName: #carMapSeg1, #spriteNum: 4, #loc: point(176, 156), #cast: [#UP: 28, #LoadCast: [28]], #Parent: #carMap, #ParentState: #on, #type: #bitmap, #DisplayState: #UP, #ButtonClass: #graphicChild], #carMapSeg2: [#RefName: #carMapSeg2, #spriteNum: 5, #loc: point(384, 156), #cast: [#UP: 29, #LoadCast: [29]], #Parent: #carMap, #ParentState: #on, #type: #bitmap, #DisplayState: #UP, #ButtonClass: #graphicChild], #carMapSeg3: [#RefName: #carMapSeg3, #spriteNum: 6, #loc: point(592, 156), #cast: [#UP: 30, #LoadCast: [30]], #Parent: #carMap, #ParentState: #on, #type: #bitmap, #DisplayState: #UP, #ButtonClass: #graphicChild], #carMapPanLft: [#RefName: #carMapPanLft, #spriteNum: 9, #HotRect: [rect(0, 0, 0, 0)], #hotRect2: [rect(31, 131, 63, 164)], #loc: point(-9999, 147), #cast: [#UP: 141, #down: 142, #LoadCast: [141, 142]], #action: [#down: "DocarMapPanLft", #UP: "DocarMapPanLft"], #sound: [#down: "Click.aif"], #cursor: [4535, 4536], #DisplayState: #UP, #Parent: #carMap, #ParentState: #on, #type: #bitmap, #ButtonClass: #ButtonDNCOND], #carMapPanRt: [#RefName: #carMapPanRt, #spriteNum: 10, #HotRect: [rect(0, 0, 0, 0)], #hotRect2: [rect(497, 131, 529, 164)], #loc: point(-9999, 147), #cast: [#UP: 143, #down: 144, #LoadCast: [143, 144]], #action: [#down: "DocarMapPanRt", #UP: "DocarMapPanRt"], #sound: [#down: "Click.aif"], #cursor: [4535, 4536], #DisplayState: #UP, #Parent: #carMap, #ParentState: #on, #type: #bitmap, #ButtonClass: #ButtonDNCOND], #carMapZoomIn: [#RefName: #carMapZoomIn, #spriteNum: 11, #HotRect: [rect(178, 307, 202, 332)], #loc: point(190, 319), #cast: [#UP: 145, #down: 146, #LoadCast: [145, 146]], #action: [#down: #ButtonDNCOND, #UP: "DocarMapZoomIn"], #sound: [#down: "Click.aif"], #cursor: [4535, 4536], #DisplayState: #UP, #Parent: #carMap, #ParentState: #on, #type: #bitmap, #ButtonClass: #ButtonDNCOND], #carMapZoomOut: [#RefName: #carMapZoomOut, #spriteNum: 12, #HotRect: [rect(208, 307, 232, 332)], #loc: point(220, 319), #cast: [#UP: 147, #down: 148, #LoadCast: [147, 148]], #action: [#down: #ButtonDNCOND, #UP: "DocarMapZoomOut"], #sound: [#down: "Click.aif"], #cursor: [4535, 4536], #DisplayState: #UP, #Parent: #carMap, #ParentState: #on, #type: #bitmap, #ButtonClass: #ButtonDNCOND], #scaleDesc: [#RefName: #scaleDesc, #spriteNum: 17, #loc: point(73, 311), #cast: [#State1: 186, #State2: 187, #State3: 188, #LoadCast: [186, 187, 188]], #DisplayState: #State1, #AllStates: [#State1, #State2, #State3], #State: #State1, #Dynamic: [], #Parent: #carMap, #ParentState: #on, #type: #bitmap, #ButtonClass: #MultiStateCOND], #distanceIndicator: [#RefName: #distanceIndicator, #spriteNum: 18, #loc: point(502, 302), #cast: [#State1: 189, #State2: 190, #State3: 191, #LoadCast: [189, 190, 191]], #DisplayState: #State1, #AllStates: [#State1, #State2, #State3], #State: #State1, #Dynamic: [], #Parent: #carMap, #ParentState: #on, #type: #bitmap, #ButtonClass: #MultiStateCOND], #carMapGasStn1: [#RefName: #carMapGasStn1, #spriteNum: 60, #HotRect: [rect(197, 82, 223, 105)], #hotRect2: [rect(197, 82, 223, 105)], #zone: 5, #scale: 3, #action: [#down: "carDrive (1)"], #sound: [#down: "Click.aif"], #cursor: [4535, 4536], #DisplayState: #false, #type: #HotRect], #carMapGasStn2: [#RefName: #carMapGasStn2, #spriteNum: 61, #HotRect: [rect(333, 79, 359, 102)], #hotRect2: [rect(333, 79, 359, 102)], #zone: 10, #scale: 3, #action: [#down: "carDrive (2)"], #cursor: [4535, 4536], #DisplayState: #false, #Parent: #carMap, #type: #HotRect], #carMapGasStn3: [#RefName: #carMapGasStn3, #spriteNum: 62, #HotRect: [rect(473, 76, 499, 99)], #hotRect2: [rect(473, 76, 499, 99)], #zone: 15, #scale: 3, #action: [#down: "carDrive (3)"], #cursor: [4535, 4536], #DisplayState: #false, #type: #HotRect], #carMapGasStn4: [#RefName: #carMapGasStn4, #spriteNum: 63, #HotRect: [rect(612, 69, 638, 92)], #hotRect2: [rect(612, 69, 638, 92)], #zone: 20, #scale: 3, #action: [#down: "carDrive (4)"], #cursor: [4535, 4536], #DisplayState: #false, #type: #HotRect], #carMapGasStn5: [#RefName: #carMapGasStn5, #spriteNum: 64, #HotRect: [rect(749, 58, 775, 81)], #hotRect2: [rect(749, 58, 775, 81)], #zone: 25, #scale: 3, #action: [#down: "carDrive (5)"], #cursor: [4535, 4536], #DisplayState: #false, #type: #HotRect], #carMapGasStn6: [#RefName: #carMapGasStn6, #spriteNum: 65, #HotRect: [rect(335, 77, 361, 100)], #hotRect2: [rect(335, 77, 361, 100)], #zone: 10, #scale: 2, #action: [#down: "carDrive (6)"], #cursor: [4535, 4536], #DisplayState: #false, #type: #HotRect], #carMapGasStn7: [#RefName: #carMapGasStn7, #spriteNum: 66, #HotRect: [rect(473, 66, 499, 89)], #hotRect2: [rect(473, 66, 499, 89)], #zone: 15, #scale: 2, #action: [#down: "carDrive (7)"], #cursor: [4535, 4536], #DisplayState: #false, #type: #HotRect], #carMapGasStn8: [#RefName: #carMapGasStn8, #spriteNum: 67, #HotRect: [rect(2276, 166, 2302, 189)], #hotRect2: [rect(2276, 166, 2302, 189)], #zone: 80, #scale: 3, #action: [#down: "carDrive (8)"], #cursor: [4535, 4536], #DisplayState: #false, #type: #HotRect], #carMapGasStn9: [#RefName: #carMapGasStn9, #spriteNum: 68, #HotRect: [rect(2415, 167, 2441, 190)], #hotRect2: [rect(2415, 167, 2441, 190)], #zone: 85, #scale: 3, #action: [#down: "carDrive (9)"], #cursor: [4535, 4536], #DisplayState: #false, #type: #HotRect], #carMapGasStn10: [#RefName: #carMapGasStn10, #spriteNum: 69, #HotRect: [rect(2554, 157, 2580, 180)], #hotRect2: [rect(2554, 157, 2580, 180)], #zone: 90, #scale: 3, #action: [#down: "carDrive (10)"], #cursor: [4535, 4536], #DisplayState: #false, #type: #HotRect], #carMapGasStn11: [#RefName: #carMapGasStn11, #spriteNum: 70, #HotRect: [rect(2694, 158, 2720, 181)], #hotRect2: [rect(2694, 158, 2720, 181)], #zone: 95, #scale: 3, #action: [#down: "carDrive (11)"], #cursor: [4535, 4536], #DisplayState: #false, #type: #HotRect], #carMapGasStn12: [#RefName: #carMapGasStn12, #spriteNum: 71, #HotRect: [rect(2831, 141, 2857, 164)], #hotRect2: [rect(2831, 141, 2857, 164)], #zone: 100, #scale: 3, #action: [#down: "carDrive (12)"], #cursor: [4535, 4536], #DisplayState: #false, #type: #HotRect], #carMapGasStn13: [#RefName: #carMapGasStn13, #spriteNum: 72, #HotRect: [rect(755, 54, 781, 77)], #hotRect2: [rect(755, 54, 781, 77)], #zone: 25, #scale: 2, #action: [#down: "carDrive (13)"], #cursor: [4535, 4536], #DisplayState: #false, #type: #HotRect], #carMapGasStn14: [#RefName: #carMapGasStn14, #spriteNum: 73, #HotRect: [rect(333, 48, 359, 71)], #hotRect2: [rect(333, 48, 359, 71)], #zone: 10, #scale: 1, #action: [#down: "carDrive (14)"], #cursor: [4535, 4536], #DisplayState: #false, #type: #HotRect], #carMapGasStn15: [#RefName: #carMapGasStn15, #spriteNum: 74, #HotRect: [rect(471, 26, 487, 45)], #hotRect2: [rect(471, 26, 487, 45)], #zone: 15, #scale: 1, #action: [#down: "carDrive (15)"], #cursor: [4535, 4536], #DisplayState: #false, #type: #HotRect], #GasStation: [#RefName: #GasStation, #spriteNum: 54, #Children: [#gasLookLeft, #PIN1, #PIN2, #PIN3, #PIN4, #PIN5, #PIN6, #PIN7, #PIN8, #PIN9, #PINEnter, #PIN0, #GasManQT, #screenInfo, #PINDisp1, #PINDisp2, #PINDisp3, #PINDisp4], #GasPINDisplay: "", #validPIN: 4669, #enteredPIN: #NONE, #pinEntries: 0, #State: #on, #DisplayState: #false, #type: #Parent], #screenInfo: [#RefName: #screenInfo, #spriteNum: 30, #loc: point(144, 268), #cast: [#enterPIN: 101, #enterPellQty: 100, #exceedsCapacity: 102, #CredsChrge10: 103, #CredsChrge20: 104, #CredsChrge30: 105, #CredsChrge40: 106, #CredsChrge50: 107, #unauthorizedPIN: 108, #notEnoughCash: 109, #LoadCast: [100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109]], #DisplayState: #enterPIN, #AllStates: [#enterPIN, #enterPellQty, #exceedsCapacity], #SpriteProp: [#ink: 0], #State: #enterPIN, #Dynamic: [], #type: #bitmap, #ButtonClass: #MultiState]]